Friday Night Lights!

One of the new features to Madden 17 is Friday Night Draft Champions! In this article I will go over some of the reasons why I highly recommend everyone play this mode on Friday nights. Now I know what some of you are thinking… “I’d rather watch a video of Route Combo talking about the greatness of Alabama football than play Draft Champions.†Well I am going to take a shot at changing your mind…

Reasons to play Friday Night Draft Champions:
If you win 6 games in a season you are guaranteed a non-actionable elite player. Some of these at Atkins, OBJ and Barr are quite excellent. You even get rewards from completing solos in Draft Champions.
You need 100 competitive badges in order to complete Event Master while it takes you 10 MUT games in order to achieve this in Draft Champions you get one for each win.
If you have not played Draft Champions yet this year that means that your 6 matches will be your placement matches. This means that there is a high probability that the skill level of your opponent will not be very high.
You will need to play Draft Champions or Salary Cap in order to qualify for the Madden tournament series. Even if you are attempting to qualify by playing Salary Cap it has been long rumored that the first tournament of the year will be played on Draft Champions so getting some experience in the mode is definitely a good idea.

Today Madden 17 dropped a tuning update going over some of the concerns in game play we have had all year. I am particularly excited to see how the game plays now that there have been changes made to the run game. One of the more frustrating parts of Draft Champions is when someone runs stretch, power g and counter the entire game with that being tuned it will be interesting to see if some members of the Madden community (not Turf Team members of course because you have dots) have discovered what a forward pass is. The reduction of broken tackles is also something that will make Draft Champions a mode that is fun to play. We have all experienced the runs where you hit TOTW Derrick Henry 4 yards behind the line of scrimmage and he goes on to break 5 tackles and run for 80 yards.
So tonight when you get home and log onto Madden 17 give Draft Champions a try. The rewards are very good. It is also a good opportunity to challenge yourself and play some good competition potentially. Worst case scenario it gives you experience in different playbooks where you may discover a new offense you may never had run into if it wasn’t for Draft Champions. That’s exactly what happened to me last year when I used the Tennessee Titans playbook in Draft Champions! It ended up becoming my offense for the remainder of Madden 17. Take a chance on a different mode…you never know it may get you close to 1,000,000$.

If you have any questions as always reach out to us in the comments below or on Twitter!

Turf Team